Last year I wrote a bit about my infatuation with Summer knitwear and more generally Summer knitting. I still think it is the bees knees so I thought I’d revisit the theme and share some of my new infatuations. Up until that time I hadn’t really considered wearing knits as a viable option for warm weather, thinking it too hot and thick and uncomfortable to really work. What I was missing was probably some appealing examples which started popping up all over the place. Not to mention a deeper knowledge of summer yarns like Silk, Cotton and Linen. When I finally got it I fell obsessively in love. In fact it was exactly like that time Freddie Prince Jr. fell for Rachel Leigh Cook in She’s All That. You know after she had that epic makeover of basically removing her glasses and letting down her hair. EXACTLY like that… I am apparently that shallow, never the less I’ve been looking forward to summer knitting all year.
So what am I working on? Right now I am in the process of finalising this summer tank pattern that I talked about in the aforementioned post (yup it took me A WHILE to get to), I hope to have more on that later in the week. As for current projects on my needles, I am deep into knitting the dolman sleeved Kimono of my dreams. It is one strand Raw Silk and one strand Isager Alpaca, which makes it a very soft and drapey knit without it being too warm. My intention is to fill a gap in my summer wardrobe and the shoulder seasons for whenever I need to layer, which is basically all the time. It will hopefully be my companion for breezy walks to the ocean, chilly evenings in the garden or just cocoon like snuggling on the couch. I am making it because I want to wear it but I decided to write down the pattern as well.
As I am nearing the end of my Kimono knit I’ve been thinking a lot about what is next in my summer knitting queue. Besides just generally being inspired by the images here (knitted romper…whaaa) I think that I am ultimately choosing between an oversize T-Shirt in Raw Silk held double (think a drapier knitted version of the Linn sweater) which has been floating around in my mind for a while or Jess Schreibstein‘s brilliant Beach Tank pattern. Both would be perfect pallet cleansers after riding this quite monogamous Kimono love wave.
What are your knitting plans for the Summer?
Photos are from top to bottom
○ Editorial from Zeum Mag
○ Unknown
○ Uniqlo x Lemaire top
○ Caumont top from Aritzia
○ Base Range camisole romper (sadly not available anymore)
Knitting for Summer II